Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When I have Fears

On Reading Keats

When I have fears that I may cease to be
Before my pen has glean’d my teeming brain- Keats

When I have fears that I might leave this world
Before my body glides across the stage,
Before the music in my soul’s unfurled,
Unwritten programs—my dance will die caged;
When I behold upon the theater’s face,
 Huge spotlights pointing to a high romance,
And think that I may never live to trace
Their bright beam, with the magic hand of chance;
And when I feel, fair movement of an hour!
That I shall not dance with you anymore,
Never reaching that immortal tower,
Of unreflecting love!—then on the floor
Of the world’s stage I stand alone, and think
Till playbooks and fame to nothingness sink.

Tiger's Lullaby

Tiger’s Lullaby
The Weeping Willow sat the children down,
Even the babies made not a sound.
Her thin branches swayed with the wind,
And so her lullaby to the young did begin.
She danced a dance of tragedy,
and told them a story lost of glee.
She sung the tale of a tiger’s fur

and how it was stolen by an evil cur.
He prowls the jungle crafty as a cat,
collecting pelts as the cat catches the rat.
With eyes black as his heart, like shadows,
his gaze could freeze you to your marrow.
The little cub strayed from his mother’s side,
the poacher saw his chance and quickened his stride.
He stole the cub in dead of night,
its mother never knowing of its fright.

The song now over, the Willow done her dance,
the children still silent, as if in a trance.
For they now knew, should they stray just too far,
the poacher will come for them, sure as the stars.

Welcome to Weeping Willow's Poetry

"Let me be your wings"
So, I’m guessing if you clicked on this blog, you might be a fan of poetry? If not, why’d you click on a poetry blog? I’m Tiffany and my life and career is writing—no lie or exaggeration. My major is English Education with a concentration in Creative Writing at Montclair State University. I absolutely love writing poetry and fiction—my diary used to be filled with poems rather than just entries. These are some of the works I enjoy, and some are still works in progress (I have a revising habit). So follow me if you like and comment good and bad—just no trolling please.